Thursday 21 December 2017

Scientific Proof that God Exists

The presence of God can be demonstrated in two ways - by rational determination and by deduction. These two techniques are used as they are based on science. 
In science, truth can be determined by actually illustrating and facts can be revealed via deduction.

We will start with the method of rational determination.

Scientists state that the earth has a magnetic field. Our senses of seeing, hearing and touching are unable to perceive that magnetic field. Nonetheless, science can provide proof that it exists in the following manner. As soon as a bar magnet is suspended so it can swing freely on a level plane, it will without fail stop with its north pole pointing roughly towards the geographic north. Thus, despite the fact that we can't see, hear or touch the magnetic field, it actually exists as shown by bar magnet experiment. This, consequently, denotes that a thing that isn't discernible does in reality exist, if it generates perceptible effects on some other thing. This is ample proof God exists.

Now, we will utilize deduction to again show that God truly exists. 

For lawfulness to exist, an authority must be available to set up and look after it. Without authority, anarchy normally rules. Past events in Baghdad, capital of Iraq, and in Afghanistan will help clarify my point.

It is a scientific truth, that natural laws exist. These are laws that apply for ever and ever and in all places. These laws can be viewed as universal laws. A few instances of such laws are: the law of Gravity, Newton's Laws of Motion and the Law of Demand and Supply. 

Furthermore it is also true from perception and experience that there is order in the universe. Let me refer to a few occurrences. The course of the seasons never shows signs of change. We generally go to bed around evening time, rest assured that day will follow night. What's more, when it is first light, we wake up knowing that the sun will arise in the east and later set in the west at nightfall. So this again is a proof God exists.


God is invisible to humans. No one can see, hear or touch God. Nonetheless, He produces perceivable effects in the lives of people. When we put our hope in Him, we feel the effect of His energy.

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